Friday 23 July 2010

How To focus on linocuts.

Okay, I know I've been a bit quiet on the 'How To' front and didn't start the next print medium when I should have. Lots of things got in the way which I won't bore you with and I suppose because it proved somewhat difficult to get as enthusiastic a response to collagraphs as I had for monotypes I felt a little disheartened.

However, this morning I received an email from Gail Bordhold of Halfmoon Printmakers in London saying she had just about completed her own linocuts 'How to' on her blog and it is an absolutely fantastic step by step guide of her approach to linocuts. As this is clearly her area of expertise i feel I couldn't possibly match it with any of my own contributions (though I still might). So please check out her blog. I'm giving you the link to the first post (there are several as she takes you through the steps). You just need to hit the title bar at the top of her blog to get to the rest of the postings.

Thank you Gail for getting me going again. Your linocuts are amazing.

And if anyone else who is really into linocuts wants to share their approach send me a link to your webpage and create a link on yours to mine so visitors at both ends can get the benefit of not just your insights but others too.

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